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     Center of Inorganic Chemistry and Fertilizer Technology is one of the science and technology R&D centers which has operated and developed from the beginning of Vietnam Institute of Industrial Chemistry, contributing to the formation and development of scientific and technological achievements of the Institute for 60 years.

After years of operation, undergone several mergers, splits, born as the Laboratory of Fertilizers and Inorganic Chemistry, then had mergers with Analysis Division, Electrical Chemical Division, formed Center of Inorganic – Fertilizer chemical producing science in 1986; and finally the Center of Inorganic Chemistry and Fertilizer Technology in 2004. Over the years, the Center has established the development direction and operational stability; is considered a strong expertise divisions and stable development of the Institute. Activity of the Center is diverse and rich: researching and developing of science and technology we has produced the business and the implementation of scientific and technical services inside and outside the chemical industry; using the efficiency of production, business and services as a basis for promoting scientific and technological development.

     Currently, besides the scientific and technological tasks in the field of specialized inorganic fertilizers, the Center has exploited more tasks in the fields of nano-materials technology, processing and pre-processing of metal corrosion protection, production technologies of alternative chemical additives for imported chemicals used in the chemical industry and other industries; gradually asserted a position of the Center in the field of inorganic chemical fertilizer research and deployment and chemical applications. Annual revenue of the Center rose steadily; be the basis of the resources contributed to the general activities of the Institute and the development activities of the center, raise incomes for workers.

       According to the spirit of Institute innovation Decree 115/2005 /ND-CP, the director of the Institute, the Institute of Party Committee, Institute Staff Congress agreed to a resolution that allows conversion activities to an independent model, with legal status, seal deals and have a separate bank account. This is a chance to create conditions for the Center actually works on the principle of autonomy and self-responsibility; and is the first step towards the establishment of an autonomous scientific enterprise in the Institute under the guidance of Decree 80/2007 / ND-CP of the Government.

The name and the headquarters of the Center:


Address: Cau Dien street, Phuc Dien ward, Bac Tu Liem district – Hanoi

Phone: 043 7658900 – Fax 043 01 7658900

(Facility 1: No. 2 Pham Ngu Lao str., Phan Chu Trinh ward, Hoan Kiem district – Hanoi)

Functions and tasks of the Center:

Functions of the Center:

Center of Inorganic Chemistry and Fertilizer Technology has functions of research and development of science and technology to comply with the Institute functionally stated in the certificate of registration of the business organization’s Science and Technology Institute.

The missions of the Center:

  • To study and formulate strategy, policy, development planning, economic and technical norms, standards fertilizer industry and inorganic chemicals;
  • Research, development, application of technical advances including basic research, applied research, pilot production to create technologies, products, materials, equipment…, meet development requirements fertilizer and chemical industry, inorganic materials… Join selection, tendering perform scientific tasks and technology of the State, ministries, groups, corporations and other entities with specialized areas;
  • Perform the duties and services of science and technology to organizations and individuals in country and abroad;
  • Evaluation, assessment, analysis of product quality, raw materials, natural resources, environment, relating to professional fields;
  • Providing implementation services, transfer, consulting, design of science and technology; participate in elaboration and evaluation of the plans, reports, projects with researching and producing of fertilizers and inorganic chemical materials units inside and outside the chemical industry;
  • Manufacturing and trading of fertilizers and chemicals, materials, additives alternative materials used in chemical manufacturing and other economic sectors;
  • Training and technical guidance in the fields of production and use of fertilizers and chemicals, inorganic materials;
  • Perform other duties as required by the Institute and the State.
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